The Mediterranean Innovation Partnership (MIP) Network, established in 2016 and coordinated by CIHEAM Bari, is a pioneering initiative aimed at fostering youth entrepreneurship and technology transfer in the agrifood sector across Mediterranean countries. Comprising governmental bodies, Innovation Support Organizations (ISOs), and international organizations from Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia, the MIP seeks to expand its network to include more Euro-Mediterranean public and private organizations, ISOs, and SME clusters to further bolster innovation in the agrifood industry”. Innovation happens when knowledge is shared, and collaboration thrives.
Growth of an entrepreneurship culture among young people,
entrepreneurship creation and innovation
Enhancement and the reinforcement of institutions and Innovation support organizations (ISO) involved in the innovation processes
Development and search of methods, tools and practices for sharing, transfer and cogeneration of knowledge
Develop initiatives/practices in favour of youth entrepreneurship & innovation